( From Facebook )
Those of you that messaged me about trying to register for the Sadie workshop but paypal only letting you buy a show ticket. I fixed the problem. The website will now allow you to purchase the workshop. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 08-23-12
( From Facebook )
Thanks Amanda Rose Dance for posting this. It's fantastic!
Christopher Sheffield's Photos
This is fantastic. I know A LOT of my friends who seriously need to read this.
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 08-22-12
( From Facebook )
Sadie Workshop and Show are coming up! Here is the first show flyer! We have a packed show with AWESOME dancers from Phoenix, California, Colorado and Arizona.. PLUS SADIE!

Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 08-21-12
( From Facebook )
So very true. Words to live by…
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 08-21-12
( From Facebook )
Wall Photos
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 08-20-12
( From Facebook )
Please check out our website! We have launched a new site. We are still working out a few kinks but feel it's ready to let you know about it! Please message me or leave feedback here if anything is funky, if you have any suggestions, or your overall thoughts on the new site. It's designed to meet your needs so if there are things missing let me know and I'll get on it! Thanks FB peeps!
Tweet at 2012-08-20-BellyDanceTucso
( From Twitter )
We are so excited to FINALLY be on twitter. Please join us for dance and fitness information and updates! If you like us, tell your friends!
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 08-19-12
( From Facebook )
An anatomy poster with skin… The human body is amazing…
Wall Photos
"He who lives in the single exercise of his mental faculties, however usefully or curiously directed, is equally an imperfect animal with the man who knows only the exercise of muscles."
Francis Wright
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 08-19-12
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More beautiful make-up
Wall Photos
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 08-19-12
( From Facebook )
Tempest our emcee for the night and Miss Gay Arizona http://instagr.am/p/OfkLgOAIWc/
We Have Updated Our Site!
Belly Dance Tucson is so happy to announce that we have updated our website to be more informational and interactive! We hope that you find our site fun and full of useful belly dance information! We plan to continue to add to our site. Look for articles on the history of belly dance, upcoming Belly Dance Tucson events and changes as well as an online retail section! We hope to meet all your belly dancing needs! If there are topics you would like to learn more about, dance teachers you would like to take workshops from, or suggestions you have for the studio or website PLEASE LET US KNOW how we can better meet your needs! Thank you for visiting to our site, we hope to see you in a class or at a workshop soon!
Tweet at 2012-08-16-BellyDanceTucso
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Belly Dance’s First Tweet!
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 08-14-12
( From Facebook )
Beginner Belly Dance tonight at 4:15! See you there!
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 08-14-12
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Good Morning Dancers:)!
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 08-14-12
( From Facebook )
After being gone for nearly 3 weeks this summer I came back to fantastic classes last night! Thanks ladies!