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Remember the time… Michael came to your belly dance workshop? http://instagr.am/p/QNW4QNAIcG/
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-30-12
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Oh look two or my favorite dancers! http://instagr.am/p/QNWp0fAIb6/
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-30-12
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A big THANK YOU to all of the lovely performers in last nights show. You ladies were wonderful and I'm honored to have all of you in the show!
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-29-12
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First workshop of the day! http://instagr.am/p/QK3r8TgIfA/
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-29-12
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Don't miss the show tonight, more than 50 performers and our headliner Sadie Marqurdt! Thckets $12 at the door. Charity drive for new socks and undies for underprivileged high school students bring some socks and undies with you!
Wall Photos
An Evening Of Dance with headliner Sadie Marquardt! Don't forget to bring new socks and undies for under privileged high school students!
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-29-12
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Workshops with Sadie start In about 2 hours! Can't wait!
Wall Photos
Belly Dance Tucson is hosting Sadie Marquardt in September!
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-28-12
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It's tomorrow! Don't miss this amazing show!
An Evening Of Dance with headliner Sadie Marquardt
September 29 at Amphitheater High School
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-27-12
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A big thanks to Tempo Magazine and Fernando Lopez. This is a great local publication. Give em a "like", I'm sure they'll post info you'll be excited to read about!
Belly Dance Tucson – Featuring Sadie Marquardt of AGT | TempoMagazine
Belly Dance Performance with dancers from Tucson, Phoenix, Colorado, and California AND THE AMAZING SADIE MARQUARDT, often recognized for her time on America’s Got Talent. You won’t want to miss this! Tickets are only $12! They can be purchased online atbellydancetucson.com, at The Belly Dance T…
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-27-12
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More fun on The Morning Blend
September 2012 Morning Blend Photos
Jessica from Belly Dance Tucson
Photos of guests on The Morning Blend during September 2012
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-27-12
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The ladies from The Morning Blend showing me their moves!!!
September 2012 Morning Blend Photos
Jessica from Belly Dance Tucson teaches Ann and Shelley some belly dancing moves
Photos of guests on The Morning Blend during September 2012
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-27-12
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Having fun with Shelley GoodStein and Ann this morning on The Morning Blend.
Learn to Bellydance – Tucson Morning Blend
Tucson Morning Blend – Dancing
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-25-12
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Another save the date. TESORO is a fantastic local Flamenco band and we are going to be guest performers with them on October 19th at Club Congress! Come check out their music! We are honored to be dancing for such a great band!

Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-24-12
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Someone left their keys in the studio and I am not sure if it was in my class or in Fonda's class. Please email me with a description and I'll let you know if I've got them.
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-22-12
( From Facebook )
We are only a week away from the show!!! Don't miss it!!!
Wall Photos
An Evening Of Dance with headliner Sadie Marquardt! Don't forget to bring new socks and undies for under privileged high school students!
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 09-19-12
( From Facebook )
Dance Movement and Conditioning at 5:20 tonight! If you're experienced bring your zills. If you're new this class focuses on getting your feet moving faster and in patterns. Come play!