Tribal Thursday – Excerpt taken from The Tribal Bible. Building from last week on the introduction of Jamila Salampour and BalAnat. It is important to keep in context the fact that during this time the world and especially SanFrancisco, was on the cutting edge of experimentation, undergoing a modern renaissance if you will. It was different than any other in our history as far as creative energy and limitless horizons. Add to that the fact that Jamila is an excellent show person, knows how to set an entertaining stage and how to keep an audience enthralled, and it’s no wonder her ideas were so successful and still legendary.
Thursday Class Happenings
Thursday Class Happenings – 5:30pm student troupe rehearsal, 6:45pm beginner choreography, 8:00pm intro to belly dance (beginner). Remember if you “like” us on Facebook your first class is free!!!
Way Back Wednesday
Way Back Wednesday – zaar – Egyptian trance dance and spiritual cleansing ritual that involves shaking the body and flicking the hair. Borkhul (incense) is sometimes brought out by the dancer in a brass holder, and the dance begins slowly, building up to a frenzied trance state, with hair flicking.
Wednesday Class Happenings
Wednesday Class Happenings – Starting March 19th we will be adding intro to UNMATA style Improv Tribal Style (ITS) at 5:15pm. See the flier for details. Remember if you “like” us on Facebook your first class is free!!!
Tuesday Class Happenings
Tuesday Class Happenings – 4:15pm intro to belly dance (beginner), 5:30pm level 2 with zills (intermediate). 6:45pm Intermediate Improv Tribal Style (ITS) with Fonda. Remember if you “like” us on Facebook your first class is free!!!
Youtube Tuesday
Youtube Tuesday – These ladies will be here in April to teach a zills and combos workshop! Anaya Tribal!!!
Music Monday
Music Monday – This will be replacing Menu Monday. It was inspired by students asking me about where to find music. I will try to post a variety of styles from week to week. Hope you enjoy!
I love Petrol Bomb Samosa’s remixes of traditional songs. I also really like the Arabian Pleasure Disc. Hope you do too! If t
Monday Class Happenings
Monday Class Happenings – 4:15pm intro to belly dance (beginner), 5:30pm level 1 with zills (intermediate), 6:45pm intro to belly dance (beginner). Remember if you “like” us on Facebook your first class is free!!!
Sunday Class Happenings
Sunday Class Happenings – 10:30am intro to Ava Flemmings belly dance format with Dawn. Remember if you “like” us on Facebook your first class is free!!!
Saturday Class Happenings
Saturday Class Happenings – 11am beginner Improv Tribal Style (ITS) with Chandreyee, 12pm intermediate ITS with Chandreyee. Remember if you “like” us on Facebook your first class is free!!!
Friday Class Happenings
Friday Class Happenings – 3pm mixed student level props and choreography. We are currently working on a chore with balancing props. Remember if you “like” us on Facebook your first class is free!!!
TGIF! Have a great weekend! Hope it has some dancing in it!
Tribal Thursday
Tribal Thursday – Excerpt taken from The Tribal Bible. The root of tribal belly dance began in the late 1960’s in the SanFrancisco Bay area of California. Jamila Salimpour is credited for beginning this eclectic fusion approach to MidEastern dance in her presentations at the Northern California Renaissance Pleasure Faire with her seminal group Bal Anat. It is important to recognize that Jamila did not call this fusion blend of influences “tribal” or anything other than “belly dance”. In an interview conducted with Suhaila, Jamila’s daughter, in 1996. She mentions that “The whole split in America between tribal and cabaret styles is really funny to me. My mom never taught any differences. My Mom’s troupe was a little of this and a little of that. Many of the costumes and dances were inspired by pictures in the National Geographic, but our finale was always a cabaret style dance. So it wasn’t tribal style, it was more like an attempt to give the audience a 30-minute education in the dances of the Middle Ease, cabaret style included!”
Thursday Class Happenings
Thursday Class Happenings – 5:30pm student troupe rehearsal, 6:45pm beginner choreography, 8:00pm intro to belly dance (beginner). Remember if you “like” us on Facebook your first class is free!
Belly Dance Tucson Facebook Status - 03-06-14
UNMATA ITS classes and troupe!